Monthly Archives: August 2012

2012 Fantasy Football Time!

I love fantasy football. Its the perfect combination of competition, football, trash-talk, and community that gets me excited for every NFL season. Its a great way to stay in contact with your friends – especially those that live in other states. As guys, we naturally suck at keeping in touch with people we care about so fantasy football provides a great way to do that.

5 Reasons Students Leave Their Faith

One of the most daunting tasks of a Student Pastor is to make sure their students continue their faith after high school. The stats are not hard to find, but I’m too lazy to look them up. But they’re there. And it’s staggering. Calling it an epidemic is not out of place. So the obvious question is why?

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LuvBuf 2012

I’ve had 3 posts sitting in my iPad for 2.5 months. Here is one regarding Xalt’s Sumemr Mission trip to Buffalo, NY…

This year we took our students to Buffalo, NY for our summer mission trip. We partnered with The Wesleyan Church of Hamburg and took part in their west side service project lovebuffalo.

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