Blog Archives

Psalm 66: David’s Worship

Psalm 66 is a powerful prayer written by David proclaiming the awesomeness of God and our responsibility, as His people, to praise Him! This whole passage is great, but recently verses 13-15 have been speaking to me:

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Bad Pastor or Bad Leader?

At a Pastor’s Gathering last summer, keynote speaker Dr. Wayne Schmidt, Vice President at Wesley Seminary, said this:

              “There are no bad pastors, just bad leaders.”

After I raised my jaw from the floor, I started reflecting on my pastoral ministry. I realized there were aspects of my leadership that had to change. In order for Xalt to get where we needed to be, I needed to grow as a leader and a pastor. Read the rest of this entry

New Worship Songs?

Why do we sing new songs? At Trinity, we are constantly learning new worship songs. As a worship band, its helps us work on our craft and keep up with the current worship environment and contemporary pulse. As a church, it breathes new life into our time of praise and helps us be mindful of the words we are singing. Read the rest of this entry

Xalt February Series: Relationship Status

Relationship Status

Relationship Status Bumper

This month at Xalt, our series is called Relationship Status – playing off the famous Facebook status. We are looking at outside pressures placed on our relationships and how they effect us personally focusing on this quote: Read the rest of this entry